Saturday, July 9, 2011

COM 207.3 Blog Reflection # 1

(Originally posted at last June 19, 2011)
In Graduate School, almost all of my classmates are working in the field of media. They are either in broadcast, print, online, advertising, PR and so forth. Truthfully, that is the line of work where I wish I could see myself with in the future. That's why I took AB Journalism in the University of Santo Tomas and now studying MA Communication at the Ateneo de Manila University.

However, fate sometimes plays with us and in my case, I got swayed to other paths. As you know, I am currently a banker. To be a banker is something that I did my best to evade as I did not wish to be like my parents who were both bankers. They believe that working in a bank can give you stability and security in life especially in the long run - which is true in a sense (depending on how you look at it).

Well, I guess I had just granted my parents' wish... I am now working with Philippine Savings Bank (Head Office) at the Mortgage Banking Division. We are at the marketing and sales side of PSBank Home Loan. Basically, we help many people in several ways such as acquiring a residential property (house & lots, condominium units, townhouses, vacant lots or duplexes) thru PSBank Home Loan - Acquisition or help them build their dream house thru PSBank Home Loan - Construction or extend the use of their residential properties by using them as collateral to get extra cash thru PSBank Home Loan - Equity. We also help some clients transfer their existing loan(s) from other mortgagee institutions thru PSBank Home - Refinancing.

Working at a bank is truly a challenge because it is a service-oriented kind of job. Everyday, we deal with clients both local and international and each of them have their own kind of special handling. This is the industry where I saw different facets of life. The social strata of clients ranges from poor, middle-class, wealthy and the elite.  There are clients who are nice, respectful, patient, cooperative and easy to transact with, while there are those who are very demanding, tall-nosed, threatening and gets easily irate. If you are not physically, mentally and emotionally strong, you won't survive long in this kind of business. That's why we always look for creative solutions in  customer handling and improving our services and products to better serve our clients.

Image from

Some of the positive aspects of working in a bank and offering Home Loan is that you become an essential tool or an instrument for others in achieving their dream house, or building a home for their families. When you see people that you don't even know smile and recognize your efforts in helping them reach their goals, it is truly rewarding and priceless...

When you get to appease irate or angry clients or make good friends (in a professional level) with those who are demanding or hard to transact with, it gives a feeling of triumph (like overcoming a huge obstacle). As the saying goes, "what does not kill you only makes you stronger." There are several avenues or techniques for handling difficult clients (some I have already tried and tested) such as simply lending them an ear or a helping hand instead of clashing with them. You can also find their soft spot or "kiliti" may it be thru a commonality or an interest. Definitely, you have to manage your clients expectations without over-promising or discouraging them. In truth, there are a thousand ways that you may apply. Some of them, I have learned the hard way, but we just have to be creative on the planning and execution and miracles can follow.

One of the things that I have taken note of from working in the banking industry is that customers, like us, would want to get the best service that could be given to us, whether in banks, restaurants, malls, schools and etc.

That is why we PSBankers have been embedded with the corporate philosophy that we are "Simple Lang and Maaasahan." We would like to let our stakeholders know that banking with us is simple and they can rely on us, our excellent service and our product.

Not that I am lifting a chair, but I am well-too aware that words are meaningless unless you translate them into action. It's a challenge to inculcate this motto to the public but as long as we put our best foot forward and stay true to our promise; become innovative and adapting to the changes of time; and listening well to the needs of the people, I am certain that any company who does so would have a greater chance of succeeding.

Let me just point out that effective communication plays a big role as well because regardless of how great the product or the service is; or how extensive and expensive the advertisements are; if we cannot properly send our messages across and address the needs of the clients, they would not appreciate us.
I may not be the best banker in town and should one day, I leave the industry and pursue my dream, I would be happy to settle on the fact that I have done my job at the best of my abilities and will forever remember that I have changed lives for the better in my own simple and maaasahan ways...

p.s. PSBank is one of the major sponsors of the University Athletics Association of the Philippines (UAAP).

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